Monday, May 24, 2010

Uninstall VMWare Player3.0 on Fedora 12

[root@MyPC resources]# vmware-uninstall
You have gotten this message because you are either downgrading VMware
Workstation, Player, or VIX, or because you attempted to run either
vmware-uninstall or vmware-uninstall-vix.

If you are downgrading, please uninstall all newer versions first, then
install again.

The vmware-uninstall* scripts have been deprecated. Instead, please use
the vmware-installer.

Long form:
vmware-installer --uninstall-product PRODUCT
Short form:
vmware-installer -u PRODUCT

Where PRODUCT is one of vmware-workstation, vmware-player, or vmware-vix.

For a list of which products are installed, you may run:
vmware-installer --list-products
vmware-installer -l

[root@MyPC resources]# vmware-installer -l
Product Name Product Version
====================== ====================
[root@MyPC resources]# vmware-installer --uninstall-product vmware-player

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Linux LVM Snapshot

LVM Snapshot use smaller logic volume to represent the whole data on the large logic volume and only save the data writing to the original LV when the snapshot LV is mounted. The snapshot LV will be automatically unmount when it is full. Thus the size of the snapshot LV must be larger than the possible data may changed during the time of the snapshot LV mount on the system.It is usfull when execute some script on the live system. For exmple back a database drive when the database still running.

To create a snapshot LV use following command:
# lvcreate -L10G -s -n snapshotName /dev/volgroupName/LVname

To mount a snapshot LV use following command:
# mkdir /mnt/locationName/snapshotLVName
# mount /dev/volgroupName/snapshotLVName /mnt/locationName/snapshotLVName
To backup a LV
tar -pczf /backups/root.tar.gz /mnt/locationName/snapshotLVName

To remove a snapshot LV use following command:

# umount
# lvremove /dev/ops/dbbackup

Monday, May 10, 2010

Install Mac4Lin on Ubuntu 10.1

  • Download Mac4Lin from
  • unzip it to a temp folder
  • Make sure you have ~/.themes and ~/.icons if you not install Mac4Lin on Ubuntu 10.1
  • Install Emerald Theme Manager
  • Install Tracker
  • execute
  • Type 'y' and enter when system popup "Do you want to enable Metacity Compositor?"
  • Type 'y' and enter when system popup "The following componenets require root access. You can opt out of installing them as they can be manually installed as well. Would you like to install these components?"
  • Install Avant Window Navigator