- Download the latest version of Transmission and libevent from http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/
- Find out the IP address of the EAGET M900.
- Enable the NAS function on the M900 box than execute command explorer \\ipaddress from strat/run menu.
- Copy and paste the two files downloaded before to poped up filemanager
- Use putty open a telnet session to the IP address of M900
- Logo in as root and go to directory of the two uploaded files. by execute cd \tmp\hdd\volume\HDD1\directory name
- execute ipkg-lc install packagename.ipk -force-reinstall
- Add your PC's IP address to the whitelist section of configuration file settings.json which in directory /tmp/hdd/root/etc/transmission. If there are more than one IP address, separate by :
- Reboot the M900 then test the transmission.
- To download BT files using M900, you need first get bt seed "*.torrent" file ready.
- fire up your internet browser, type in with your M900 ip address).
- click "Open" which on the top left of the page.Then press "Choose Files" button and select your *.torrent file in the pop up window.
- finally make sure "start when added" is ticked before press the "Upload" button. see in 3.png
- Now you could see the downloading status in the web page.