Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Linux Network management

/etc/modprobe.conf -- contain a list of alias name for each NIC
dmesg | grep "NIC name" and ifconfig can display the hardware address of NIC.
mii-tool - view and config negotrated speed of NIC, but it not support all the NICs. "mii-tool -v" can tell wheather the NIC support mii-tool.
ifdown and ifup
netconfig - can create ifcfg-*** file. "netconfig --device eth1" config eth1 NIC.
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*** - configuration file for each NIC *** represent NIC alias name.

/etc/resolv.conf contain DNS setting

Monday, September 08, 2008

Linux Kernel

Kernel Modules
Kernel Modules are locate in /lib/modules directory.

lsmod, list current mounted modules.
modprobe , mount specific modules and dependencies.
/sbin/modinfo , module examination
insmod, mount module
rmmod, unmount module
depmod, list module dependencies.

Configure Kernel Modules by modify /etc/modprobe.conf which structure is aliases, kernel parameters, Module mount actions.

Module dependencies record in modules.dep


Saturday, September 06, 2008

Linux Installation

type in "linux askmethod " and Enter after "boot:" will let installer ask for install method (from CD, harddisk, NFS, FTP or HTTP)


  • /etc, /lib, /sbin, /dev and /(root directory) must in one partition.
  • swap directory is normally two times of the size of the RAM.
  • /boot, /home, /usr, /var, /tmp, /urr/local, /opt could be used as mount points for directory. /boot need no more than 100MB
Create software RAID or LVM in Linux installer:

In the partition page of the installer, pressing New button will create a new partition. " In the File system type" chose software RAID or physical volume to setup the special partition. After create software RAID or physical volume, RAID or LVM button can be used to create RAID device or volume group. Moreover when create RAID device, chose physical volume in the file system type will create a physical volume over a RAID device.

Software RAID, RAID principles-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAID#Principles
LVM Resource Page http://sourceware.org/lvm2/